Schedule - December 12, 2024
12:00 am
National Gallery of Art: El Greco
01:00 am
National Gallery of Art - The Quest for Immortality
01:30 am
National Gallery of Art - Picasso and the Circus
02:00 am
Saving a Species: Polar Bears | SeaWorld®
02:30 am
Lied Live! RBG the Musical
04:30 am
06:00 am
National Gallery of Art: Flights of Angels The Heavenly Orders in the Renaissance
07:00 am
Sci Pop Talks - Zombies and the Science of Braaaaains
08:00 am
Hyde Lectures: Carrie Strickland
09:00 am
Market Journal
09:30 am
Lied Live!: Bolzen Beer Band
10:00 am
Saving a Species: Our One Ocean | SeaWorld®
11:30 am
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Youth Rally 2024
01:00 pm
Spotlight Nebraska
01:30 pm
National Gallery of Art: Milan A Tale of Two Cities
03:00 pm
Spotlight Nebraska
03:30 pm
National Gallery of Art - Picasso and the Circus
04:00 pm
National Gallery of Art: Leonardo da Vinci
05:00 pm
Saving a Species: Our One Ocean | SeaWorld®
05:30 pm
National Gallery of Art - Roy Lichtenstein: The Art of the Graphic Image
06:00 pm
Nebraska Nightly
06:30 pm
National Gallery of Art: Stuart Davis
07:00 pm
Saving a Species: Sea Turtles | SeaWorld®
07:30 pm
Spotlight Nebraska
08:04 pm
National Gallery of Art: The African American Art World in Twentieth-Century Washington, DC
Lied Live! Golden Studio Band
10:00 pm
Nebraska Nightly
10:30 pm
Spotlight Nebraska
11:00 pm
National Gallery of Art: Gaelynn Lea